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EN點擊數(shù):5342022-01-04 09:59:07 來源: 干燥劑廠家 廣東佛山集裝箱氯化鈣干燥劑 礦物硅膠貨柜防潮劑-佛山市圣力嘉包裝材料有限公司
Commonly used desiccant has silica gel desiccant, mineral desiccant, calcium chloride desiccant, Seneca high-performance Solid desiccant, etc., from the desiccant moisture-proof performance, desiccant packaging material safety analysis of higher cost-effective desiccant is calcium chloride desiccant and solid desiccant.
Silica gel desiccant and mineral desiccant is physical absorption, through the gap between the molecules adsorbed a certain moisture, moisture absorption rate of about 15%~30%, silica gel desiccant in the temperature of more than 37 ℃, not only can not absorb water will also be absorbed by the water vapor form released. Calcium chloride desiccant and Seneca High-performance solid desiccant is a chemical absorption, irreversible, moisture absorption rate can reach more than 150% (calcium chloride desiccant to reach more than 200%), the use of temperature between 5 ℃ to 90 ℃, hygroscopic rate is silica gel and mineral desiccant more than 10 times times. After the absorption of calcium chloride desiccant powder into a gel-like solid, and efficient solid desiccant directly from the powder into a solid state, the middle will not have water production. Ensure the efficiency of the desiccant and safety. Silica gel desiccant and Mineral desiccant general use of no lock water function of Single-layer non-woven packaging, or cheaper composite paper packaging, resulting in easy to tear the packaging, while the lock water function is poor. Calcium chloride desiccant and Seneca High-performance solid desiccant using one-way waterproof breathable DuPont paper or superior performance of non-woven fabric deep processing, the correct use of the case will not be broken bag and infiltration risk. Calcium chloride desiccant and Seneca solid desiccant do not contain DMF and other harmful substances prohibited by the EU. After use can be treated as general waste, will not affect the environment.